
Prepare Quick & Nutritious Meals

Breakfast options: Hard-boiled eggs, high-fiber cereal bars (aim for at least 3 grams of fiber), fruit, single-serving cups of low-fat cottage cheese (to save money, buy a big container and put ½ cup to 1 cup in Tupperware the night before or in the morning), instant oatmeal packets.

Lunch options: Leftovers, peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole-grain bread, whole-grain turkey pita pocket with mustard, low-fat frozen meal, a can of minestrone soup or low-fat turkey chili (beans are an excellent source of fiber and nutrients).

Snack options: ¼ cup of nuts + fruit, low-sugar/low-fat yogurt + ½ cup high-fiber cereal (aim for about 5 grams per serving), carrots and hummus, energy bar, ½ peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole-grain bread, string cheese + 1 serving whole-grain crackers.

Mix and match to make sure that you get at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, try to get a little protein and fiber at every meal, and snack to keep energy levels and blood sugar stable throughout the day.

The key to success for busy people is planning. If you spend a little time on Sundays (or whatever your day off is) shopping and planning out your week so that you don't have to spend a lot of time during your busy week trying to make healthy choices, those choices will already be built into your life.

Dr. Melina Jampolis