Respond to each question, using the following 4-point scale:
0 = Never 1 = Rarely 2 = Sometimes 3 = Often
1. How often do you feel like you are getting sick? ____
2. How often are you eating on the run (at your desk working, while driving or walking)? ____
3. How often during meals and meetings do you respond to emails/text messages on your PDA or cell phone? ____
4. How often do you skip meals because you are too busy to eat? ____
5. How often do you feel that watching TV is the most relaxing activity you do? ____
6. How often are you forgetful? ____
7. How often do you feel tired during the day? ____
8. How often do you feel that your life is out of control? ____
9. How often do you have trouble focusing? ____
10. How often do you lie awake at night ruminating? ____
11. How often do you have a difficult time sitting still? ____
12. How many times do you feel exhausted and can't seem to recover -- no matter how much rest you get? ____
13. How many times do you find yourself reading the same paragraph over and over and feeling increasingly frustrated that you just "don't get it"? ____
14. How often do feel like you are close to tears or sensitive to the criticism of others? ____
15. How often do you try to do everything yourself? ____
16. How often do you feel you are fighting a losing battle trying to keep up with your kids' sports schedule, French lessons, dental appointments and homework or your own work deadlines?____
17. How often do you have two or more major problems that you can't seem to resolve? ____
18. How often do you feel as if your stomach is tied up in knots? ____
19. How often are you canceling social engagements or family outings
to finish a work project? ____
20. How often do you find yourself angry and annoyed with
others-including those at home? ____
THE RESULTS Are you stressed?
Tally your answers to all 20 questions. Based on your total, see how you fall into the following categories:
Not stressed: 4 or less
Somewhat stressed: 5-8
Stressed: 9-12
SuperStressed: 12+
What stress type are you?
Could be your type: 1- 2
Probably your type: 3-4
Total for questions 12 and 16 ___Type I
Total for questions 13 and 17 ___Type II
Total for questions 14 and 18 ___Type III
Total for questions 15 and 19 ___Type IV
Total for questions 11 and 20 ___Type V
Type I: Burned Out, Exhausted, Numb, Depressed This SuperStress type is often categorized by the sense that you are fighting a losing battle trying to keep up with an ever-growing to-do list: your kids' needs, your own job, and so much more. You are likely experiencing extreme fatigue when you get up in the morning and repeatedly throughout the day. You've reached the point where stress has been present for so long that you can no longer mount much of a reaction and you have started to "check out" emotionally. Take heart: eating right will go an especially long way toward helping to moderate type I SuperStress. High-antioxidant, whey-based, breakfast shakes should become part of your diet, as should at least an ounce of chocolate every day!
Type II: Agitated, Can't Concentrate, Overwhelmed by Life Type IIs often report that they have days when their agitation is so great that they're distracted by their own restlessness; sleep no longer comes easily. If this describes you, for starters - and long-term - you'll want to consume a diet that works against inflammation and you will also want to start taking several specific supplements to support good sleep. Also, try this: drink five cups of tea a day - either green tea or chamomile tea, sweetened with honey if you choose - spaced out over the course of the day and evening.
Type III: Emotionally sensitive If your questionnaire score suggests you're a Type III then you have likely lost your sense of humor and are sometimes weepy or melancholy, despite your best efforts to be your old self. Every little stressor hits at your digestion: you are often bloated, gassy, and crampy. You will do well to stay with small amounts of low-fat animal protein and seafood and lots of greens and ripe fruits. Increase your turkey consumption. Walk 20 minutes a day to help regulate your nervous system.
Type IV: Driven, Controlling The Type IV SuperStress personality is a first rate goal-setter and goal-achiever and that's admirable. But the flip side is that over-attention to detail and micromanagement have become the only way you can handle situations that feel out of control. If you're one who approaches your life in this manner, I'm willing to bet you have symptoms that reflect this tension, such as constipation, neck pain, back pain, and stomach problems. You need to stick to a Mediterranean style eating plan and you should likely start on a probiotic supplement. "Burn off steam" through exercise - a half hour a day if you can find the time, and make time for family and friends again regularly - this will trigger the release of oxytocin, the "feel good" hormone.
Type V: Explosive, Can't Slow Down This type describes you if you use every means possible to keep things going at an ultrafast pace, living on caffeine and sugar-laden foods. You probably have little tolerance for mistakes and have been known to overreact or explode when mistakes are made (yours or someone else's). If so, there are steps toward tranquility that you can begin to take right now. You're going to need to wean yourself off so much caffeine (but don't go cold turkey; follow my progressive one-less-cup-a-day plan) and begin to choose foods with natural sweeteners instead of sugar. To stabilize moodiness and support relaxation, take magnesium glycinate. As for exercise, for Type Vs, what's more important than the amount of time you spend at any activity, is that you do something every day.
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