1-in-5 U.S. Teenagers has Slight Hearing Loss
Some experts are urging teenagers to turn down the volume on their digital music players, suggesting loud music through earbuds may be to blame. Researchers analyzed data on 12- to 19-year-olds from a nationwide health survey. They compared hearing loss in nearly 3,000 kids tested from 1988-94 to nearly 1,800 kids tested over 2005-06. The prevalence of hearing loss increased from about 15 percent to 19.5 percent.
Most of the hearing loss was "slight," defined as inability to hear at 16 to 24 decibels – or sounds such as a whisper or rustling leaves. A teenager with slight hearing loss might not be able to hear water dripping or his mother whispering "good night." Extrapolating to the nation's teens, that would mean about 6.5 million with at least slight hearing loss.