
Workout Snacks

Pre Workout:
1-2 hours prior to workout you need a complex carbohydrate for energy and to maintain your blood sugar. Avoid high fat options bacause they take longer to digest.

For each hour of exercise, try to aim for 100-250 calorie snacks. Here are some options:
-snack bar (luna, balance bar, lara, gnu)
-high fiber cracker and low fat cheese
-low-fat yogurt and raisins
-small bowl of cereal with skim milk
-string cheese and dried fruit

Post Workout:
It's important to replenish your body, especially if your workout was longer than 1 hour. Carbohydrates are important to refuel and protein is needed if you did strength training.

You should snack within 1 hour of finishing exercising. Here are some options:
-high fiber cracker with peanut butter or sliced turkey
-handful of almonds and raisins
-8 ounces of skim milk
-shake made with banana, orange juice, and skim milk
-half sports drink and some cottage cheese
-small vegetable soup

Fluid Needs
-Before: 15-30 minutes prior to exercise: 15-20 ounces of water
-During: 10-15 ounces every 15-20 minutes
-After: 15-20 ounces
